The Amenities Committee

Looks after the many amenities in the town including: Howden Marsh Local Nature Reserve; Allotments (*but see below); Grounds Maintenance; Litter and Street Cleaning; Flowering Planters and Hanging Baskets; the Minster Graveyard; Parish Paths; the Derwent Crescent Play Park; Christmas Lights.

*From 1 January 2013 the Town Council's allotments have been managed by the Tenants' Association. Enquiries should be made to Mrs Pat Blee, Secretary, tel no 01430 430201.

Members on the committee

Robin Drury

Deputy Chair, Chair of Amenities Committee, Chair of Personnel and Grievance Committee

01430 430597

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Rich Hart

Chair of the Planning Committee

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David Howard

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Hugh Roberts

Chairman and Town Mayor, Chair of Howden Joint Burial Committee

07740 869419

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