Committee Structures

Town Council Meeting

The monthly Council meeting is the where the overal desicion making body meets and acts on recommendation sfrom committees and also debates and makes decisions on a wide range of matters which affect the parish.


Looks after the many amenities in the town including: Howden Marsh Local Nature Reserve; grounds maintenance; litter and street cleaning; flowering planters and hanging baskets; the Minster graveyard; parish paths; the Derwent Crescent Park; Christmas lights.

Joint Burial Committee

The Council undertakes the maintenance of the Churchyard at Howden Minster and also administers the Cemetery on Knedlington Road jointly with Asselby Parish Council.

Personnel & Grievance

The committee responsible for the council's employees.


The Town Council is a statutory consultee on all planning applications in the town, but the 'planning authority', which makes the decisions, is the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC). Because of the relatively short timescale of the consultation process the Planning Committee meets every four weeks to fit in with the ERYC's schedule. The Committee makes recommendations on behalf of the Town Council, except in the case of applications determined by the ERYC as 'Strategic' which are put before the full Council for decision.

Resources & Asset Management

The Resources and Asset Management Committee recommends policy positions to the Council and is also concerned with the administration of the finances and other assets, regularly monitoring income and expenditure. It recommends the annual budget for running costs and for grants to be paid to local organisations. The Town Council's funding comes mainly from the ERYC.

Hugh Roberts

Hugh Roberts

Chairman and Town Mayor, Chair of Howden Joint Burial Committee

07740 869419

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Robin Drury

Robin Drury

Deputy Chair, Chair of Amenities Committee, Chair of Personnel and Grievance Committee

01430 430597

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Richard Blee

Richard Blee

Chair of Resources & Asset Management Committee

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