Welcome to Howden Town Council

Next Meetings

Town Council Meeting

15 Oct 24 - 19:00 to 21:00



5 Nov 24 - 19:15 to 21:00

Town Council Meeting

19 Nov 24 - 19:00 to 21:00


3 Dec 24 - 18:30 to 19:15

Updates and News

Grants Application Window Now Open !!


 It's that time of year again where our grant window opens for financial year 2025/2026.

This year we gave away almost £85,000 to local groups including the Ashes Playing Field Trust, Shire Hall Trust, Howden Bowls Club, HomeStart, Howden AFC, Howden Civic Society, Howden Show, Howden Vintage Day, A Shining Light and Howdenshire Music.

If you would like your community group to take advantage of this initiative then please get in touch.

You can request an application form by emailing me at clerk@howden-tc.gov.uk or downloading it from our website, or alternatively if you would like a chat first to see if this scheme is for you then please get in touch via the email address above and we can arrange a chat.

(Please note if your group applied for a grant this year we must see evidence of how it has been spent before a new application for 25/26 would be considered (as per the grants conditions and terms))

/_UserFiles/Files/POLICIES 2020/Grant Policy and Application Form Approved 17-09-24.pdf 

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2022/2023 

Under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 the Town Council has prepared Accounting Statements for the year ended March 31st 2023 in the form required by proper practices (AGAR). A copy of the AGAR and related documentation can be found on the Documents page of the website.


Neighbourhood Watch:

Many of you may be aware of Neighbourhood Watch and the benefits such a programme can offer.

Neighbourhood Watch supports individuals and groups to create safer, stronger and more active communities.

We are very lucky that Howden resident, Matt Sharp, has volunteered to become a Neighbourhood Watch Lead Coordinator for our town and to show our support for this scheme, Howden Town Council have also registered with East Riding of Yorkshire Council Neighbourhood Watch.

We already have some areas covered by our long-standing Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators, however if you would like further information and / or would like to register your street then please contact Maureen Yates, the Crime Resilience Officer for East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 396380 or via email at Maureen.yates@eastriding.gov.uk

Let’s support each other and get involved …

Howden Community Woodland

A new Community Woodland for Howden – have your say

Howden Town Council is considering purchasing a small area of farmland, approx. 13.5 acres, alongside the Howden Marsh Local Nature Reserve to establish a new community woodland and open space for residents in Howden. This would be an extension to Howden Marsh Local Nature Reserve (LNR) and could consist of new woodland and scrub areas, wildflower meadow, rides, wetland, and open spaces.

All funding for the establishment of this new community woodland will come from donations and grants.

Community woodlands are special places which provide open access for the local community to participate and engage with nature close to where they live. Howden Community Woodland will be interactive, with recreational and educational activities and amenities for the local community to get involved with and will be open for all to enjoy.

Over the last few years access to local open spaces and the countryside has been a lifeline for many people and as more and more houses are built and businesses established in Howden there is an ever-increasing need for more open space and access to nature.

Howden Town Council are working with the support of Humber Forest on this exciting project.

We need your support, so have your say!

Click here to complete the short questionnaire (link to eryc.link/Howden-Community-Woodland (please copy and paste this link into your address bar)

Why is a community woodland important to Howden?

Improve biodiversity

A new community woodland will increase the biodiversity and wildlife habitats in the area, improving habitats for our native birds, mammals, and flora. It will also link to other important sites for nature including Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), a Local Nature Reserve (LNR) and UK priority habitats. The chosen site is within Natural England’s Network Enhancement Zone – meaning it is an ideal location for connecting existing habitats together, providing a larger area for wildlife to flourish.

Provide clean air and reduce pollution

Pollution affects everyone, but is particularly dangerous for unborn babies, toddlers, the elderly and people with long-term health conditions. Trees clean the air, cool the temperature, quieten the noise and lighten your mood.

Improve community health and well-being

Expanding natural green spaces in Howden will directly benefit community health and well-being. One in four people will be affected by mental illness at some point during their lifetime. Spending time in nature alleviates stress, stabilises blood pressure and treats anxiety and depression. Its effects have even been shown to increase anti-cancer cells, reduce the incidence of underweight births, and accelerate recovery from surgery.

Help tackle climate change

Climate change is a very real issue. Trees are the ultimate carbon capture and storage machines. Like great carbon sinks, woods and forests absorb atmospheric carbon and lock it up for centuries. They do this through photosynthesis. Along with trees, meadows and wetlands play a vital role in capturing and storing carbon, helping to contribute towards net zero targets. In fact the entire woodland ecosystem plays a huge role in locking up carbon, including the living wood, roots, leaves, deadwood, surrounding soils and its associated vegetation.

Reduce local flood risk

Trees intercept rainfall before it reaches the ground and soak up rainfall before it reaches surrounding urban areas. The existing Howden Marsh Nature Reserve acts as a natural flood storage area, protecting local housing. The new community woodland would provide a larger flood storage area.

Improve local recreation and engagement

Woodlands are important places for the community to use daily for recreation and leisure. Whether that be people walking their dogs; running or cycling or safe spaces to play with their children, a new community woodland would provide a larger natural space to undertake these activities close to home.

Why get involved?

There will be many opportunities for the local community to get involved and participate in the creation, management and long-term usage of the community woodland, including the planting of over 6,000 trees!


Emergency Planning and Important Numbers:

Latest Planning Applications